Serhenity, Norco, California Weather

Elev: 660 ft, Lat: 33.9 N, Long: 117.6 W

Observations for the Last 7 Days 03 Mar 2025 06:08:10

Weekly temperature and dew point graph Weekly wind chill and heat index graph Weekly relative humidity (hourly average) graph Weekly barometric pressure (hourly average) graph Weekly rain amount per day graph Weekly wind direction (hourly average) graph Weekly wind speed and gusts graph

Monthly Highs/Lows

High Temperature 64.5 F
Low Temperature 53.6 F
High Humidity 89 %
Low Humidity 45 %
High Dew Point 54.8 F
Low Dew Point 42.4 F
High Wind Speed 13.0  mph
High Barometer 30.086  in
Low Barometer 29.872  in
Rain Total 0.00  in
High Rain Rate 0.00  in/hr
High Heat Index 64.5 F
Low Wind Chill 53.6 F

Yearly Highs/Lows

High Temperature 89.4 F
Low Temperature 0.0 F
High Humidity 95 %
Low Humidity 0 %
High Dew Point 61.5 F
Low Dew Point -13.5 F
High Wind Speed 39.0  mph
High Barometer 30.437  in
Low Barometer 29.788  in
Rain Total 0.03  in
High Rain Rate 0.00  in/hr
High Heat Index 86.7 F
Low Wind Chill -17.5 F